History of Kingdom Fellowship AME Church
In 2006, Reid Temple became “One Church in Two Locations” with the opening of a second worship location in Silver Spring (Montgomery County), Maryland. The expansion location was dubbed “Reid Temple-North” and was led by our then Executive Minister Reverend Matthew L. Watley. This place was an ideal site for expansion, offering a solid and growing African American population base and in great need of Christian witnessing and Kingdom building.
The dedicated, energetic stewards of the Silver Spring congregation sought to replicate the models of ministry active at Reid Temple-Glenn Dale while capitalizing on the many opportunities that were unique to the new location. With attendance at Sunday services spiraling upward, to over 700 each week, the thriving congregation’s leaders realized that they were fast outgrowing the rented high school space. Through the faithfulness of the campus membership and with assistance from Reid Temple-Glenn Dale, they launched a capital campaign in 2008 to raise funds to procure a permanent location in Montgomery County.
Reid Temple-North opened its doors at 12101 Tech Road on Sunday, September 12, 2010. Our Church serves its congregation’s multiple spiritual, emotional, and physical needs. Our sanctuary seats 1,100. It also features a 65-seat choir loft, a baptismal pool, a nursery, multi-purpose rooms, a warming kitchen, classrooms, and meeting space for a growing number of ministries, and administrative office space. The membership of the congregation is still growing! Through this growth, Reid Temple-North led the way in launching Reid Temple’s third campus, Reid Temple DC.
On March 30, 2019, during the 69th session of the Washington Annual Conference, Bishop James L. Davis appointed Rev. Matthew L. Watley as the Senior Pastor of Kingdom Fellowship AME Church. Kingdom Fellowship AME Church is comprised of the former Reid Temple-North and Reid Temple DC congregations with a membership of more than 5,000. In the time since Pastor Watley’s appointment, through strategic implementation and God’s grace, we’ve continued to effectively address critical needs impacting those living within the region surrounding Montgomery County!
Number of Members — Approximately 5,000
Number of Ministries – About 70 Ministries
Future expectations:
March 2022 – Move into the New Church
April — Ribbon Cutting and Celebration